We’ve all been there: stuck in traffic, on the road trip from hell, wishing that you just had some way to pass the time or – better yet – be at that illusive final destination already. Some people see this as being the inevitable feeling that creeps in on any car journey longer than a trip to the shops, but it doesn’t have to be!
The best thing about counteracting boredom on the road is that it takes a minimal amount of planning to keep everyone happy. Whether it’s just you and a friend, or a partner, or a minivan crammed full of the whole family, there are ways to keep everyone entertained that won’t break the bank and will change those droning questions of “Are we there yet?” into the shocked response of “We’re there already?!”
The first step is all about assessing who is in the car with you; know how many people you’ll have in the car, what sort of age range the passengers are and how far you have to travel.
It’s also important to keep in mind what you’re willing to pack with you, as there’s no point planning to bring a lot of activities that won’t fit in the car, or worse, that will take up space and have no one playing with them.
Knowing who is in the car is an essential when you are selecting the games and activities as well. After all, there’s no point in trying to teach a toddler a long, complicated game that takes a lot of focus – a bored kid is a disaster waiting to happen.
In the same regard it’s probably a waste of time trying to get your grandmother to play along to a childish game like “I Spy,” unless she asks to play it of course!
All this planning and prep should be done before you set off on the journey. A plan and some thought out preparation are essential, be it in regards to the games you pack to entertain the back seat, the food you prepare to keep travelers happy or scheduling in rest stops to stretch the legs and have a break, this is all very important to factor in before you get underway.
For more advice on activities and distractions to keep you, the driver, and the back seat happy – regardless of their age – then check out RoadTripBoredomBusters.com for tips on your trips.