Games entirely are created to be fun and at the same time educate its players, Sumtastic a newly invented board game that is already been referred to as “The maths equivalent of scrabble” is currently making waves as being both fun and a great way of understanding mathematics better.
Creators of Suntastic, are proud to bring to the notice of kids struggling with maths, game lovers, and the general public the launching of a board game that is created to help educate kids on mathematics and at the same time serve as a form of recreation.
This board game that is currently been played in schools across the world is receiving positive reviews from board game bloggers, BBC family news and Education have asked for a copy of the game to be sent to them for better evaluation. This game can be played by 1 player or more and can be played by ages 7 years and above, instructions on how the game is been played has been translated in all the world’s most spoken languages.
This highly addictive game has been described as:”The maths equivalent of Scrabble” and “Far too addictive”. Sumtastic would be available via real soon and purchases at a discounted price would kick off at the end of May 2018.
About Sumtastic
Sumtastic, is a board game originally designed by its inventor a school teacher for his own children, to help them understand maths better and it has since been used by children and adults across all age ranges for both educational and recreational purposes.
For more enquires about Sumtastic, to purchase this superb game or to get in contact with its creators, log onto their website at or email at